text based

Some of the things that I make are 'released' under my given name, tending towards experimental, radiophonic and (occasionally) notated works. You might also see my name when collaborating with other artists or improvising.
Corrugated Giaconda and The Labyrinth are two works that were recently commissioned by the National Gallery of Australia in collaboration with Liquid Architecture. They were created in response to two Jeffrey Smart paintings, and the audio was included in an online tour of the retrospective exhibition. You can view the online exhibition here.
My dad used to be in a band called The Corrugations — I went digging for some old cassette recordings, only to find out that they never recorded. I got my hands on some of his old songs though, ones that he recorded on his own. It’s at once familiar and unfamiliar, listening to him singing about breakups and finishing his economics undergrad. I imagine him walking past corrugated fences in late 70s suburban Perth and feel a pleasant pang in the chest at the thought of this youthful melancholy, shared through a kind of time travel. 40 years later, and the cassette has degraded like the posters pasted on Smart’s fence. Like we can see history peeling back, we can hear it in the warped tape, the hiss and hum, the cracking, uncertain tenor of my father’s twenty-one-year-old voice.
The Labyrinth was Smart’s very last. He said it was inspired by The Stranger’s Child, a novel by Alan Hollinghurst, the front cover of which depicts a garden hedge maze. Though a labyrinth can be frightening, even panic-inducing for some, I didn’t find this painting to bring that energy. The prospect of wandering this blue-sky labyrinth forever unto the horizon is kind of dismal, but almost laughably so. And it actually doesn’t look like a terrible place to be — the figure appears casually content as far as we can see, sporting a panama hat and basking in the 4pm sun. I wanted to harness a goofy optimism, wobbling forward one foot in front of the other, despite all else, and trudging forward no matter the right angles that life throws at us. The base of this composition is formed by an old cassette sample of a guitar and drum machine, warped and slowed to a sluggish but persistent groove. A pizzicato melody plods along at a steadily awkward pace, and a strange, sighing ensemble of voice and violin form a cloudless sky, hovering above.
Click to view the Jeffrey Smart online tour and listen to Corrugated Giaconda and The Labyrinth. Also do check out the audio works created by the other commissioned artists James Rushford, Alexandra Spence, Martin Kay and YL Hooi.
Released in 2020, the studio piece Amazing blissful moment (fearful receiver) indulges in the mundanity of life in the 'burbs of Boorloo (otherwise known as Perth), specifically during the first period of Covid-19 lockdown in so-called Western Australia. This piece was commissioned by Tura New Music as part of @The Roots program, and subsequently released independently (listen here).
I have written a number of ensemble works which have been performed by ensembles across Australia, most notably by Ensemble Offspring and Decibel ensemble. In 2019 I was commissioned to write a new work for Decibel's concert Revolution, presented by Tura New Music, (the 'Difficult Commission' is supported by Bryce Moore, and the Difficult Listening program on Perth radio station RTRFM 92.1). In 2017 my solo work VKW 96FM (duet for voice and radio) was presented as part of the Breaking Out emerging composers concert in The Totally Huge New Music Festival, and featured in a New Waves podcast, presented by ABC Classic FM.
Amazing blissful moment (fearful receiver) commissioned by Tura New Music for @The Roots
VKW 96.1FM (duet for tenor saxophone and radio) performed by Decibel at Revolution, Subiaco Arts Centre (2018)
White gums are standing with their feet in the water, radio documentary premiered by broadcast on RTRFM 92.1 (2018)
Wheels of a Spoke workshopped and performed by Ensemble Offspring, Perth (2018)
five released in the collaborative album EX/IN (responses to Dan O’Connor’s IN/EX), Tone List 2018
V.K.W 96FM (duet for voice and radio), premiered at Totally Huge New Music Festival 2017
V.K.W DIXIE COCOS SHOW premiered at Tone List Residence #3 - Tchake (2017)
SONGS FOR LIZ JULY 1985, premiered at Sound Spectrum 2016.2
Listen to the distance between us, broadcast by Sister's Akousmatica as part of their Moonah Community Radio project
White gums are standing with their feet in the water included in episode #667: 2019.01.13 on Framework Radio
White gums are standing with their feet in the water premiere broadcast on Difficult Listening, RTRFM 92.1 (Perth)
Breaking Out: Act 1 podcast presented by New Waves, ABC Classic FM.
Limelight review: Revolution by Decibel (Tura New Music).
Pelican review: Three take on Tura: A review of three concerts as part of the Totally Huge New Music Festival.
Selected Performances
Outcome Unknown Regional Tour: Albany/Denmark [2019]
Church Series: Kim Kerze [TAS] + Gosper/Moses/Turner [2019]
Audible Edge Festival 2019
Sound Spectrum 2018.2, Spectrum Project Space, ECU
Outcome Unknown Regional Tour Mandurah - Bunbury, Bunbury Regional Art Gallery (2018)
Outcome Unknown Regional Tour Albany - Denmark (2018)
Outcome Unknown Regional Tour Geraldton, Geraldton Regional Art Gallery (2018)
Improvisation with Alexander Turner & Zoe Zarzycki, Tuck and Trap, Kerobokan, Indonesia (2017)
Totally Huge New Music Festival (2017)
Residence #3 - Tchake (2017)
Studien nach der nature by Peter Ablinger, performed and released by Grey Wing Trio, ex machina, on Tone List label
Takadanobaba by Lindsay Vickery, performed and released by Grey Wing Trio, Artifical Field, on Tone List label
Now and Then by Andrew Butler, performed at Audible Edge Festival 2019, Old Customs House, Fremantle
Their Lives are Stripped of Meaning by Cat Hope, performed at Australian Computer Music Conference, Edith Cowan University 2018
Un Paso Al Abismo by Lindsay Vickery at Sound Spectrum 2018.2
Njookenbooro by Lindsay Vickery at Limited Hangout: in the Field (2018)
Pool and the Soup by Alessandro Bosetti, performed at Sound Spectrum 2018.1
The waves which have kept me from reaching you, by Josten Myburgh, premiered at Shock of the New, Sound Spectrum 2018.1
A wave and waves for 100 percussionists by Michael Pisaro, performed at the Totally Huge New Music Festival (2017)

Excerpt of score Wheels of a Spoke (2018)